Today was a day where I realized that I have been holding my breath for a long time. I took a huge inhale one day and somehow I forgot to release it. I'm not sure when it happened, but I have been on pins and needles waiting for the other shoe to drop, the next bad thing to happen or the next catastrophy to come crashing down. Blame it on the stress, blame it on my anxiety, blame it on the crazy world we are loving in, but I have been "surviving" the days. Wake up, go to work, come home, sleep....repeat day after day, week after week and before you know it - a year has gone by and I am still in survival mode.
But today I exhaled. Today I decided that I want to live. Let me rephrase that...I want to start living. I want to take another deep breath, but this time I want to release the air in my lungs and feel the weight of the last few years wash off of me. The past few years that I hae been held hostage in my own body, my own mind and in my lack in faith. Letting my lack of faith in myself effect my faith in God's purpose for me.
So here we go - I'm taking a deep breath and letting go.....and letting God lead the way.
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